Dreaming Indigo

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I will freely admit that I am a BIG procrastinator. I will put off anything that I can get away with. It usually results in me rushing around like a maniac trying to get things done. I feel like I am starting that already with this blog. I love reading other blogs, but when it comes to my own I put off writing anything because I don't think it would be interesting enough, or funny enough to keep anyone reading.

So I have come up with a plan for myself - I will be updating this blog at least 2 times a week. I feel that is sufficient enough for now, and maybe things will be picking up over here that it could mean more than 2 posts per week. If there is one thing that bothers me, it is reading a person's blog (of course, no names mentioned) where they will post almost every other day and then when something big happens it takes forever for a new post. I realize people have lives and everything, but sometimes it is very frustrating waiting for an update.

On the ttc voyage: I have joined a website called Babes in Blogland. It is an awesome site that lists pregnancy and birth sites from all over. She is also starting a ttc section shortly for which I have signed up for. I hope that will increase traffic a little and maybe put me in touch with others who are ttc. It's always nice to talk to people that are in the same boat you are .

As for me, I am still charting - I am almost finished with my first month's chart. I am now waiting for my period to start in a few days. According to my Dr., my period should start on its own. Never before has it done this - I usually have to take provera, but she seems to feel that my increased Metformin dosage this month will make it start by itself. We shall wait and see. This is the most frustrating part - I KNOW that I am not ovulating on my own. And she wants me to chart for 3 months before she will give me Clomid to try. It's just a lot of time that I feel is being wasted. To get pregnant with my daughter I just went straight to injections of gonal-f, bravelle, and ovidrel. Unfortunately, our income situation was a little different BEFORE we had our daughter. (I was working full time as opposed to part-time - and daycare expenses too) so the cost for injections was not as important as it is now. Also, I had different health insurance and my current plan does not cover any of the ultrasounds or bloodwork that is required with injectables.

OK! I think I have said enough for now! I will keep my promise to post every few days and hope that you will continue to check back often. Don't forget to post a comment to say hello!


  • At 2:37 PM, Blogger Jessica said…

    Glad fertility friend was a help!

    Do you ever go the to pregnancy.org ttc board? It can be pretty informative!

    Also, have you ver tried Fertilitea? I drank it about twice a day the cycle I got pregnant. And, a girl on the ttc board who didn't ovulate on her own ovulated the month she drank the tea. Its not very expensive & its pretty good. Here's a link: http://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/fertility-tea.html


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