Dreaming Indigo

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


My my, how time flies when I'm not posting! Truthfully, I have not had much to say. I wish I could post a few times a week about things that are happening but I don't think anyone wants to hear about the fence we are putting up, or how we dodged yet another Tropical Storm (thankfully!). That is all that has been going on with me as of late.

Tomorrow is my Dr appt. I am kind of nervous, kind of scared. I am hoping that she just gives me some drug cocktail that will help me get pregnant. I am physically ready to be pregnant. Mentally, not so much. I really want another baby, I just worry about other things. My job, how my daughter will react if we do have another baby...things like that.

For starters...my job. I love my job - not too many people can say this. I worry about what will happen when I get pregnant. Will I be able to do my job? Will it be too physically demanding? Will I have bleeding episodes like I did with my 1st pregnancy? How long will I be able to work? Its not like my job is grueling - I can't say that, and I only work part time (5.5 hours a day), but I will have to do lifting...and some of the stuff I pick up is heavy! I also will be working outside, during the summer, in Florida, when it is very hot. The truck I drive does have AC, but I get in and out of the truck the whole time I am working.

Secondly, my daughter will be 3 in July. I always imagined having my kids 2 years apart so they would be close and have things in common. I am worried that she will be upset and jealous that there is a new baby in the house that is demanding mommy and daddy's attention when she is used to being the only one. She still sleeps with us in our bed and I really want her in her own bed but it is becoming harder and harder to get this going. It is really becoming an issue with me and I feel like I am not getting the support I need from my husband. (This is a whole other issue that I will save for a future post). Most nights I fall asleep on the couch so I can have a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Anyway...I have get going to bed (aka: the couch). I will let you know how the Dr appt goes.

Oh - and if anyone has been thru anything similar to my worries, please feel free to share! Thanks!


  • At 7:36 AM, Blogger Emmakirst said…

    Hi there, found your site via Jen's.

    Hope your Dr. appointment went well the other day.
    My first 2 children are 3 1/2 yrs apart. I felt that they were still close and it was a good age difference for me between them. They are now 10 and 6 1/2 yrs old. They certainly have their differences now. (girl/boy) My 2nd and 3rd children are only 17 mos apart. Now I thought that was great too, since my son didn't even care about the new baby. He was just too small. The age difference between my 3rd and 4th children is 5 yrs! It's like starting all over again for me. I don't know if I was ever mentally ready for another child, but they sure came along and I had no choice but to adjust.

    Hopefully when you get pregnant it'll be easier than your last with no bleeding. Take care. :)


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