Dreaming Indigo

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Hi to all! I have been sooo behind in posting - it has been a very busy week. The minute I think I have time to post, something new comes up.

Went to my nephew's graduation on the 17th. Almost got teary-eyed seeing the "Class of 2006". I was the class of 1993 and it seems like yesterday that I was graduating - I can't believe that it was 13 years ago. My husband was the class of 1982 so you can imagine how depressed he was...lol. All in all it was a great ceremony and there was a very nice party afterwards.

On Saturday the 20th, we had a wedding to attend - it was very beautiful and L had a great time on the dance floor - I think if I got a disco ball and sound system for home she would dance all day! She kept saying "dance me!" (dance with me) to me and G so we would come out onto the floor and dance with her. I was kicking myself for forgetting my camera - there were many great photo opportunities and she looked soooo cute! After the wedding we had another graduation party to go to. This one was for our day care providers son. Needless to say, we were gone all day and didn't get home until 10:15 pm. It was a great day though and nice to get out of the house for awhile.

Still have not started my period again (last one was April 3-9). I had taken Provera to start that one and started charting as my Dr wanted. I don't really see the point of charting temps if I know for sure that I am NOT ovulating. The fact that I did not start my period for May is proof that I didn't ovulate. Also that there was no temp spike either. I don't see the Dr. again until June 15th - tried getting an earlier appt. but it is not possible. I just want to get started on Clomid or SOMETHING to see if that will help. I feel like I am wasting time charting for nothing. It's a little depressing.

Work is going good - one of the guys that started the same day as me left for a different job. We went out to Winghouse on Friday night to say goodbye to him. Had a good time until G called and said that L had woken up throwing up ALL over the bed (she sleeps with us) and that he had to clean her up, get the bed changed and calm her down - I kind of felt bad that he had to deal with that on his own - its easier when you have an extra set of hands to help. Oh well - he managed and L was fine the next morning.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Busy as a Freakin' Bee

So I tell you I am going to post 2 times a week and here it is a week later than that and I am just now updating. I know! I am soooo lazy sometimes! Actually, it has been a pretty busy week. I have been working for my former job for a few days while the girl that took my place took a couple days off. I was only there for about 5 hours a day in the AM because I have my current job to get to by 2:30ish. I really did like that job and had worked there for almost 10 years. It was at a printing shop and I started out by running the copier and doing menial things. Moved onto finishing (Bindery), customer service and then into the Graphics Dept where I taught myself the ins and outs of many graphics programs from Adobe, Corel, Microsoft and lots of others. I also taught myself both the PC and Mac platforms and am very proud of my accomplishments. Seriously, when I first went to the grahics end I didn't even know how to boot up a computer. YIKES!

Anyway, when my daughter was born, my plan was to be a SAHM. Of course reality sets in and for some people it is just not feasible to have 1 person working. I was also adamant about not putting her in daycare that young. So I ended up taking her to work with me until she was 8 months old. I had my own office there so I could bring a blanket, toys, play pen and anything else she needed. I also cut my hours back to just working every other day. After leaving there, I went to work at Auto Trader for about a year. The hours were from 9pm - 2am and were perfect for me - L would be asleep when I left and I could still manage to get about 6 hours sleep before she woke up in the morning. And then we would take a nap together. That job was a favorite of mine too and was very hard to leave.

When my current job became available I had serious doubts about being able to do the work. It would require about 5 hours on the road, stopping at customer locations and retrieving packages. Sometimes heavy lifting. It wasn't like it was going to be very hard "mentally" but physically, I am not in the greatest of shape. This job has actually been good tho and I have lots about 15lbs. All in all, I love this job as well. The hours are great (2:30 - 8:00pm), I still make it home in time for a late dinner with my DH and daughter, I get to put L to bed for the night and wake up with her in the morning and spend most of the day together. She goes to daycare from about 2:30 until her daddy picks her up at 6pm and she LOVES it! I am thankful that she does not go full time just yet but soon she will be ready to do just that.

Well - off to the store I go, so I will post in a few days (hahaha). Maybe I can get in a few lines between the 2 graduation ceremonies, 1 graduation party, and wedding we have to go to this week. Busy Busy!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I will freely admit that I am a BIG procrastinator. I will put off anything that I can get away with. It usually results in me rushing around like a maniac trying to get things done. I feel like I am starting that already with this blog. I love reading other blogs, but when it comes to my own I put off writing anything because I don't think it would be interesting enough, or funny enough to keep anyone reading.

So I have come up with a plan for myself - I will be updating this blog at least 2 times a week. I feel that is sufficient enough for now, and maybe things will be picking up over here that it could mean more than 2 posts per week. If there is one thing that bothers me, it is reading a person's blog (of course, no names mentioned) where they will post almost every other day and then when something big happens it takes forever for a new post. I realize people have lives and everything, but sometimes it is very frustrating waiting for an update.

On the ttc voyage: I have joined a website called Babes in Blogland. It is an awesome site that lists pregnancy and birth sites from all over. She is also starting a ttc section shortly for which I have signed up for. I hope that will increase traffic a little and maybe put me in touch with others who are ttc. It's always nice to talk to people that are in the same boat you are .

As for me, I am still charting - I am almost finished with my first month's chart. I am now waiting for my period to start in a few days. According to my Dr., my period should start on its own. Never before has it done this - I usually have to take provera, but she seems to feel that my increased Metformin dosage this month will make it start by itself. We shall wait and see. This is the most frustrating part - I KNOW that I am not ovulating on my own. And she wants me to chart for 3 months before she will give me Clomid to try. It's just a lot of time that I feel is being wasted. To get pregnant with my daughter I just went straight to injections of gonal-f, bravelle, and ovidrel. Unfortunately, our income situation was a little different BEFORE we had our daughter. (I was working full time as opposed to part-time - and daycare expenses too) so the cost for injections was not as important as it is now. Also, I had different health insurance and my current plan does not cover any of the ultrasounds or bloodwork that is required with injectables.

OK! I think I have said enough for now! I will keep my promise to post every few days and hope that you will continue to check back often. Don't forget to post a comment to say hello!